What should be considered when choosing a professional to start therapy?

If you are thinking about starting therapy, you have certainly asked yourself this question- how to choose the Top psychologist in Kolkata for your case? The answer is not always simple, because it will depend a lot on the connection that professionals and patients are able to form. However, there are a number of factors that you need to consider in order to maximize the psychologist's choice to your needs. In this article, we share some tips to make the process easier for you.
Before starting therapy, there are at least five points that must be considered before settling down by a psychologist and scheduling a first session:

·         Professional registration

The psychologist, who performs clinical care, must be properly registered with the Federal Council of Psychology. Professional registration is still, a guarantee that the psychologist's work is regulated and is being supervised by the competent body.

·         Theoretical and practical knowledge

It is important to know details about the psychologist's training, years of experience, research on the Internet to see the quality of the content published by him/her, as well as find out if you have previous experience in cases similar to yours. If you do not find the information you need, ask all the necessary questions of the professional to be sure about your competence.

·         Approach used

Especially if you have had therapy before or have more affinity for a type of theoretical approach (psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, gestalt, brief, behaviorist, etc.), it is important to seek a psychologist who uses the line you use to identify yourself or want to experiment.

·         Location

It is important to be practical in this aspect and try to find a psychologist who makes appointments in an accessible place, either by public transport or in a parking area. Minimizing obstacles when carrying out the therapy session, which can be weekly, helps to give fluidity to the service.

·         Fees

It is important to choose a professional who charges a fair amount and fits your budget. The Federal Council of Psychology recommends distrusting very low values since the professional category has a reference table for fees for all services offered.

Other important points that should be analyzed during therapy:

·         Punctuality and respect for all patients
·         The psychologist must be able to speak clearly about his working method, clarifying all doubts related to this topic in the first sessions
·         There must be an environment of trust, in which you feel comfortable talking about your issues.
·         The chosen professional should be concerned with always improving, recycling his knowledge, and maintaining an open attitude to criticism. The therapeutic process is also built according to the response that the patient is able to transmit to the professional
·         Be suspicious if the professional overexposes his personal life, or if he promises solutions too quickly as if the therapy was a magic trick. Also, be on the lookout for any evidence of harassment.
We hope our article will help you understand the basic points of this choice. So hire the best Psychologist in Kolkata near your location and ensure that the service is efficient.
